martes, 27 de abril de 2010

The Clinical Anaesthesia and The Anaesthesia Science (2009)

The second edition of the hugely popular The Clinical Anaesthesia Viva Book builds on the success of the first by providing a thorough review of short and long case questions typically given to Final FRCA viva candidates. An introductory chapter gives invaluable practical advice on preparation for the viva. This is followed by almost 100 short cases and 25 long cases, all based on viva questions posed at recent examinations. Answers have been constructed from a combination of popular textbooks, recent publications and the extensive practical experience of the authors. Short further reading lists are provided for more in-depth preparation. Written by a team of expert consultants and senior trainees with (successful!) experience of the Final FRCA, this second edition of The Clinical Anaesthesia Viva Book, is a must-have for anyone preparing for the Final FRCA viva.


Clinical science as applied to anaesthesia, intensive therapy and chronic pain A guide to the oral questions.

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Anestesia y analgesia obstetricas (2007)

Anestesia y analgesia obstétricas es una obra basada en los temas debatidos en el XIV Simposium de Anestesiología, celebrado en febrero de 2007 en el Hospital del Mar de Barcelona.

Su objetivo es aportar información actualizada a los profesionales relacionados con la práctica de la obstetricia, especialmente, anestesiólogos, obstetras.

El libro consta de 26 capítulos distribuidos en seis secciones :
La sección I trata sobre la evolución histórica de la anestesia obstétrica, destacando el avance y la seguridad que significó la introducción de la anestesia epidural y de los aspectos socio-sanitarios, especialmente el impacto causado por la población inmigrante, y la necesidad de comunicación previa con las embarazadas y familiares.

La sección II expone las pautas analgésicas y anestésicas que podría necesitar una mujer embarazada para situaciones no obstétricas, y hace una puesta al día de la cirugía fetal. La sección

III comprende temas claves como: técnicas regionales y generales de analgesia y anestesia aplicadas al trabajo de parto y cesárea, incluyendo la analgesia tras cesárea.

La sección IV trata del manejo de las gestantes con patologías asociadas, muchas veces en estado grave, como endocrinopatías, cardiopatías y preeclampsia.

La sección V comienza con un análisis de las causas de mortalidad materna y continúa abordando la prevención y tratamiento de las complicaciones, tanto específicamente anestesiológicas, como las obstétricas, así como el manejo de la parada cardiorrespiratoria de la gestante.

La sección VI insiste en la importancia de la correcta formación básica y práctica que ha de alcanzar un anestesiólogo antes de ejercer la analgesia y anestesia obstétricas, así como sobre la situación actual de la investigación en este campo.

Anestesia Regional con Ecografia (2007)

La verdadera revolución en la anestesia regional guiada por ultrasonidos ha llegado de la mano del desarrollo tecnológico, la aparición de sistemas más portables y sobre todo con una gran capacidad de resolución en la imagen, que ha dado lugar a una creciente popularización en este tipo de técnicas. Como contrapartida, al anestesiólogo se le plantean una nueva serie de retos, entre ellos la familiarización con los sistemas de ultrasonidos y la necesidad de un conocimiento más exhaustivo de la anatomía profunda de las regiones en las que se va a intervenir.

Este libro intenta dar respuesta a estos dos retos, el conocimiento de las bases físicas en la formación de ultrasonidos y en la representación de las imágenes que de ellos se derivan pueden ser muy útiles en determinadas ocasiones en las que es necesario un ajuste “fino” del ecógrafo para obtener una buena imagen o incluso a la hora de interpretar los posibles artefactos que aparecen en la imagen, que en no pocas ocasiones nos serán de gran ayuda. Por otra parte, el conocimiento de la anatomía profunda va a permitir no sólo una mejor realización del bloqueo, sino que, sobre todo, va a ayudar a evitar complicaciones derivadas de dicho bloqueo.

Con estos dos objetivos en mente y tras a ños de experiencia en estas técnicas, los autores decidimos plasmar esta experiencia en el libro que usted tiene ahora entre sus manos. Para conseguir un objetivo didáctico, el libro se ha dividido en varias secciones con una estructura similar. A una primera sección en la que se exponen los principios físicos y aspectos prácticos aplicables a estas técnicas, le siguen las secciones miembro superior y miembro inferior. Cada una de estas secciones comienza con un capítulo que muestra la anatomía nerviosa de dicho miembro, para posteriormente describir en los siguientes capítulos cada uno de los bloqueos.

Tras estas secciones, el lector podrá encontrar una dedicada a bloqueos guiados por ultrasonidos en el tratamiento del dolor y un capítulo más con las aplicaciones de la ecografía en la canalización vascular.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Update in Anaesthesia (Actualización en Anestesia)

Es la revista oficial de enseñanza de la WFSA (World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists). Publicado por primera vez en 1992, el objetivo de esta revista siempre ha sido proveer artículos claros, concisos y de visión clínicamente relevantes para los anestesistas que trabajan con recursos limitados en todo el mundo. Un especial énfasis se ha de proporcionar al aprendizaje permanente y el apoyo a la práctica de anestesistas en los países donde las instalaciones para la práctica clínica y el desarrollo educativo son escasos.

La versión impresa del Update se envía sin costo alguno a más de 3000 anestesistas de habla Inglés y también es traducida al ruso, mandarín, español y francés. Actualización siempre ha estado disponible a través de Internet para su descarga gratuita, tanto en ediciones completas como los distintos artículos y esperamos que la disponibilidad de este recurso se ampliará aún más con el desarrollo de esta sección de la página web de la WFSA.

El comité editorial se han comprometido a producir una revista de primera clase revisada por expertos y  la edición de 24,1 del Update en su contenido ha sido ampliado para incluir contribuciones originales en forma de breves informes de los estudios clínicos, las auditorías e informes de casos. De los journals tiene como objetivo mantener informados a los lectores de las publicaciones importantes y relevantes de otras revistas, y el  Desafío cerebral contiene ejemplos de rayos X anormales, tomografías computarizadas y ECG para la interpretación de nuestros lectores.

Nosotros dependemos de la generosidad de los presupuestos del comité WFSA Publicaciones para financiar nuestro trabajo y en los voluntarios no remunerados que renunciar a su tiempo para ayudar a producir la revista. Yo estaría encantado de estar en contacto con nuevos autores y alentar a quienes están interesados en ver la Guía a los contribuyentes (abajo). Esperamos que usted disfrute de la revista, y que usted acepta el reto de continuar esforzándose para desarrollar los estándares de anestesia a nivel internacional. Esto mejorará los resultados para nuestros pacientes y por lo tanto el prestigio de nuestra profesión.

Bruce McCormick
Redactor en jefe (Reino Unido)

Download: All Editions

Anesthesia Student Survival Guide (2010)

Anesthesia Student Survival Guide: A Case-Based Approach is an indispensable introduction to the specialty. This concise, easy-to-read, affordable handbook is ideal for medical students, nursing students, and others during the anesthesia rotation. Written in a structured prose format and supplemented with many diagrams, tables, and algorithms, this pocket-sized guide contains essential material covered on the USMLE II-III and other licensing exams. The editors, who are academic faculty at Harvard Medical School, summarize the essential content with 32 informative and compelling case studies designed to help students apply new concepts to real situations. Pharmacology, basic skills.

Fundamentals of Anaesthesia (2009)

The third edition of Fundamentals of Anaesthesia is the gold standard text, encapsulating the basic principles of modern anesthesia in one easily accessible volume. Written and edited by a team of expert contributors with extensive FRCA examination experience, Fundamentals of Anaesthesia, Third Edition deliberately blends the expertise of invited authors in an unrivalled consistency of style. Deliberate use of authors with a more general anesthesia background ties in well with the education of anesthetists in their early years. The third edition is fully updated with a number of completely new chapters. Presentation of information is clear and concise, with extensive use of tables, colour illustrations, summary boxes of key information and bullet lists. This Highly Commended award winning textbook is a unique revision aid and an essential companion for all exam candidates.

Practice of anesthesia in infants and children 4th edition (2008)

Extensively revised and updated, and in full-color throughout, the new edition of this popular text delivers practical advice on the safe, effective administration of general and regional anesthesia to infants and children. More than 50 internationally renowned experts-and a brand-new editor-discuss standard techniques as well as the very latest advances in pediatric anesthesiology, keeping you on the cusp of today's best practices.

Chapter after chapter, you'll find authoritative guidance on everything from preoperative evaluation through neonatal emergencies to the PACU, as well as more than 1,000 illustrations that clarify concepts. And, as an Expert Consult title, this thoroughly updated 4th edition comes with access to the complete fully searchable contents online as well as video clips of pediatric anesthesia procedures, pediatric drug dosage calculators, extended references, and downloadable images for use in electronic presentations.

  • Reviews underlying scientific information and addresses preoperative assessment and anesthesia management in detail to help you make better informed decisions.

  • Provides guidelines for postoperative care, emergencies, and special procedures in one single source for your reference convenience.

  • Includes access to the complete fully searchable contents online as well as video clips of pediatric anesthesia procedures, pediatric drug dosage calculators, extended references, and downloadable images.

  • Discusses the full range of pediatric anesthesiology from preoperative evaluation through neonatal emergencies to the PACU to prepare you for any situation you encounter.

  • Incorporates sweeping revisions and updates throughout, including new chapters on congenital heart disease, conscious sedation, and anesthesia in developing countries that keep you apprised of the latest techniques and procedures.

  • Features a new editor, Dr. Jerrold Lerman, who contributes a wealth of experience in pediatric anesthesiology.

  • Provides new insights from neonatologists and neonatal pharmacologists who give you a clear, up-to-date picture of the pharmacologic responses of neonates.

  • Incorporates numerous figures and tables throughout for easy retention of information.

  • Presents a new full-color format and hundreds of new color illustrations that clarify complex principles of techniques.

Pocket Anesthesia (2009)

Designed for easy transport and quick reference, this new addition to the Pocket Notebook Series presents essential information that residents, anesthesiologists, CRNAs, and medical students need on the wards and in the operating room. Edited by anesthesia faculty at Harvard Medical School, Pocket Anesthesia is ideally suited for today's fast-paced anesthesia environment—it is concise, easy to read, and evidence-based. Essential information is presented in a well-organized schematic outline format with many tables, algorithms, and diagrams. The book is filled with must-know facts about drugs, frequent intraoperative problems, differential diagnosis, common disease states, patient evaluation, and anesthetic considerations for each subspecialty.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia, 6th Edition (2009)

This pocket-sized handbook provides quick, easy access to the essential bedside information from Clinical Anesthesia, Sixth Edition. The most practical clinical pearls on what to do and how and when to do it are presented in concise outline format, with hundreds of tables, graphs, and algorithms that summarize and prioritize crucial points. Appendices include formulas, an electrocardiography atlas, a drug list, American Heart Association resuscitation protocols, difficult airway algorithms, and a malignant hyperthermia protocol. This edition has a new full-color design and colorized illustrations.

Obstetrics for Anaesthetists (2008)

Anesthetists are a crucial part of the multi-disciplinary team helping mothers have safe, successful pregnancies and deliveries. Obstetrics for Anaesthetists is a practical manual designed to give clinicians a clear knowledge of obstetrics and its implications for their anesthetic practice. Edited by an obstetric anesthetist and an expert obstetrician, this volume provides readers with relevant information on the procedures, terminology, and conditions unique to obstetrics. Algorithms for the management of obstetric emergencies are included, as well as text boxes highlighting the implications of conditions related to pregnancy and co-existing medical diseases. This book is an invaluable practical guide to all aspects of obstetrics relevant to anesthetic practice.

Obstetric Anesthesia Handbook (2010)

For nearly two decades, anesthesiologists and obstetricians have turned to this handbook as the definitive reference for obstetric anesthesia. Authoritative yet concise, it has been designed as a practical guide to all aspects of anesthesia for childbirth and related obstetric procedures, including perinatal pharmacology, relief of labor pain, fetal monitoring, anesthesia for cesarean delivery, high risk pregnancy, and in vitro fertilization.The fifth edition of Obstetric Anesthesia Handbook has been reorganized and revised to both update the content and help expedite the retrieval of the most pertinent information. New chapters include quot;Pain of Labor and Deliveryquot; and quot;Effects of Epidural Analgesia on Labor and the Infant.quot; An appendix has been added that includes the most recent national guidelines for obstetric anesthesia. With numerous illustrations and tables, as well as updates regarding new medications and techniques, this esteemed handbook is more valuable than ever.

Handbook of Anesthesiology (2008)

DescriptionThis handbook is a current manual of Anesthesiology care, including many useful reference tables and charts. Anesthesiology is very popular with medical students, residents, and anesthesiologists. New information on pain management makes this book essential reading.

Sedation And Analgesia For Diagnostic And Therapeutic Procedures

Physicians, nurses, and safety experts comprehensively review sedation and analgesia to provide a completely new reference guide to safe sedation practices consistent with existing guidelines. Starting with an integrated review of the basic physiology and neurobiology of the sedated state, the authors proceed through clinical guidelines and practices, and conclude with an examination of quality-outcome measures and processes. They also review current mandates for safe sedation practices and address the key clinical issues of pharmacology, monitoring, and recovery. Special tables and figures throughout the book summarize protocols, regulatory requirements, recommended dosages, monitoring requirements, and quality assurance tools.

Clinical Anesthesia, 5th Ed. Barash, Cullen and Stoelting

This is a large textbook, running to more than 1500 pages, with a total of 59 chapters in the 6 sections. Section 1 is entitled ‘Introduction to anesthesia practice’ and contains five chapters covering: history of anaesthesia, OR practice, experimental design and statistics, occupational health and professional liability. The second section, ‘Basic principles of anesthesia practice’, contains an eclectic mixture of five chapters on: cellular and molecular mechanisms, genomic basis of perioperative medicine, electrical and fire safety, acid base balance and fluids, and haemotherapy and haemostasis. Section 3 has seven chapters on basic pharmacology and Section 4 has seven chapters on ‘Preparing for anesthesia’. The bulk of the book is in Section 5 ‘Management of anesthesia’ which has 29 chapters covering all aspects of clinical anaesthesia such as thoracic, vascular and obstetrics, together with chapters on cardiovascular physiology, allergy and drug interactions. The final section ‘Postanaesthesia and consultant practice’ has six chapters covering recovery, acute pain chronic pain, critical care, CPR and disaster preparedness.